展覽|無聲製造者 與其他

開幕茶會 Opening Reception 2014/10/04 18:00 – 21:00 Sat.
開幕表演 Performance 2014/10/04 18:00
展期 Exhibition Duration 2014/10/04-2014/11/02

12:00-20:00 週二至週五 Tue.-Fri.
14:00-20:00 週六至週日 Sat.-Sun.

絕對空間 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號

Silent Provider (et al.)
Matti Isan Blind此次個展展出作品包括雕塑、攝影和以時間為基礎的物件作品,為參與草埕文化藝術工作室駐市計劃之創作。


開幕當晚,導演廖若涵與舞者Som Tsai將透過一段獨特的肢體舞蹈演出,延伸並演繹展場作品。

Silent Provider (et al.)
This solo exhibition by Matti Isan Blind displays ten recent works including sculpture, photography, installation and time-based objects.

At the heart of the show at Absolute Art Space, Tainan is the light installation Silent Provider (2014). Seventeen lights – including the headlights of a car parked outside the gallery – are sequenced and choreographed, corresponding with each other, possessed by impish spirits.

On the opening evening the choreographer Zouhan Liao and the dancer Som Tsai will show a unique choreography, expanding the topography of the show into the form of dance.

This project was organized and funded by Art Square Tainan.

無聲製造者 與其他|Matti Isan Blind個展海報

無聲製造者 與其他|Matti Isan Blind個展海報

